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Baseline Assessment of Routine Immunization Services Performance in Five Nigeria States (BARIS)

This project aims to assess routine immunization (RI) performance across the seven domains of the program- 1) leadership and governance, 2) health financing, 3) service delivery, 4) human resources for health, 5) vaccine supply and logistics, 6) health management, and information system, and 7) demand generation in five states to inform intervention prioritization, programmatic target setting, and progress monitoring.

Strengthening Capacity for Immunization Data Use in Nigeria (SCID)

This mixed-methods study aims to improve data use for action by using adult learning principles to strengthen the capacity of FCT immunization programme managers and health workers on Human-Centered Design for Tailoring Immunization Programmes (HCD-TIP) approaches and tools.

Formative Evaluation of Optimizing Client-Centred PHC Services with the integration of disease detection and management (OptiCCS)  project in Nigeria.

This project used mixed methods to generate insights to improve the uptake and provision of quality antenatal care and primary healthcare services in the three supported states. 

Formative Research on Social Behavioural Change Communication (SBCC)   for Immunization Plus and Malaria Progress by Accelerating Coverage and Transforming Services (IMPACT) Project in Nigeria.

This multi-component research uses an explanatory mixed method approach to 1) identify barriers, enablers, and contextual factors influencing the acceptability and uptake of preventive and curative behaviours related to RMNCAH+N plus, immunization, and malaria intervention services; and 2) provide recommendations for developing and implementing an evidence-based SBC strategy and Advocacy, Communication, and Social Mobilization (ACSM) materials to promote behaviour change and improve health outcomes in the selected 21 States.

Documenting Lessons Learned for the 2023 Measles Campaign  in 13 Nigerian States

This study used a mixed-methods approach to assess 1) the use of the PRRSM Strategy (a Zero-Dose Strategic Support) to optimize the Measles Conjugate Vaccination campaign in 13 Nigerian States and 2) pre-campaign preparations, campaign implementation and documented lessons learned during the measles campaign pre-, intra-, and post-implementation processes to provide recommendations for an effective campaign implementation in Nigeria.

Rebuilding Emotional Stability and Strength Through Therapeutic and Life-Skills Education for Internally Displaced Persons in Nigeria (RESETTLE-IDPs)

This cluster-randomized Type 2 trial aims to provide tailored life-skilled education and psychosocial support to internally displaced persons (IDPs) via in-person and mobile-enabled groups to strengthen the psychosocial well-being, coping abilities, and integration into host communities of IDPs in Northern Nigeria

Evaluation of the HealthLearn Newborn Care Course   for PHC Health Workers

This is a single-arm evaluation of the impact of the HealthLearn newborn care course on newborn care clinical practice among healthcare workers who participated in the course.

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